Using AdminTools3

How to use AdminTools3

How to use Admintools3

Admintools3 mainly consists of 2 parts: The modules and /pinfo

A module is basically a feature, but as the name suggests, modules are modular so you can even include your own! (go to the API wiki page for that)

The Modules

With the command /a, you open the module gui. You can also use /admingui and /admintools

If you get the message "AdminTools | Missing Permission: admintools3.use", please take a look at the permissions wiki page.

A GUI should have opened now. Here is what you can do:

  • Leftclick any module to execute it on yourself

  • Rightclick modules that support it (it will tell you what modules do) to choose a player to execute it on.

  • Close the inventory to cancel it.

If you rightclicked a module, a new GUI should have opened where you can select a player that the module will be executed on.

After you clicked (left or right), some modules might open a third page where you can select a world that the module will use.

That's it for the modules!

PlayerInfo (/pinfo )

You can get information about any player with the /pinfo command You can also use /playerinfo.

The command will display some information, it includes name, displayname, uuid, health, foodbar, gamemode, and a link to the namemc page of this player by default, but you can edit this in the config.yml file (Take a look at the "configuring" page in the wiki to find out more)

If you have an Economy system, e.g. EssentialsX, and the plugin Vault installed, this will also show the balance of the player.

If you have the plugin PlaceholderAPI installed, you can use any placeholders from there you like in the messages (this also applies to all other messages, read more in the "configuring" page)


The Adminchat is a seperate chat that only people with the permission admintools3.adminchat.recieve can see.

If you want to send a message to the adminchat, you need the permission admintools3.adminchat.send

To send a message to the adminchat, you simply write @admin and then your message

You can change the format of the messages and the prefix (@admin) to anything you like in the configuration. (take a look at the "configuring" page to find out more)

Last updated