Installing AdminTools3

How to install AdminTools3

How to install

This guide assumes a basic knowledge of files (downloading, moving, copying, renaming)

  1. You need a Minecraft Server that supports Plugins. I recommend Paper because of its optimizations, but you can also use Bukkit or Spigot. Download paper

    You have to join the server at least once before you continue.

  2. Stop the server if it runs currently

  3. Download AdminTools3 from Spigot and place it the plugins folder of the server

You are done! If you want to configure the plugin as well, follow the "configuring" guide next.


  1. Start the server. Wait until it is loaded and stop it again.

  2. Configure the plugin through the different files.

    You can find a detailed guide to configure the plugin in the wiki.

  3. Save all changes and start the server again.

Last updated