Permission list

What permissions the plugin uses

What are permissions

Permissions are the way to control which player can do what. Bukkit/Spigot/Paper only have 2 groups by default: operators and other players. If you want to control which player can do what, you will need a permission system (e.g. LuckPerms). Learn more about Luckperms, how to install and use it, in their wiki

All Permissions of AdminTools3 are in this permission list. With a permission system, you can choose freely what player can use what part of the plugin.

Permission list

To use /a or access modules directly, the player needs admintools3.use

To use /pinfo, the player needs admintools3.playerInfo

To use a module on himself OR others, the player needs admintools3.module.[moduleName]

To use a module only on himself, the player needs admintools3.module.[moduleName].self

To avoid staff members punishing each other and for other purposes, there are some bypasses as well:

  • Cooldowns: We support custom cooldowns for all modules.

    • To bypass all cooldowns, the player needs admintools3.bypass.cooldown

    • To bypass the cooldown for a module, the player needs admintools3.bypass.cooldown.[moduleName]

  • Mute: A player with the permission admintools3.bypass.mute cannot be muted.

  • Freeze: A player with the permission admintools3.bypass.freeze cannot be frozen.

  • Vanish: A player with the permission admintools3.bypass.vanish can see vanished players.

To read the adminchat, a player needs

To send messages to the adminchat, a player needs

Last updated